Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Topic Entry # 1


"Attempting to get at truth means rejecting stereotypes and cliches."
- Harold Evans (journalist)

Stereotypes and Stereotyping
by C. Neil Macrae (Editor), Charles Stangor (Editor), Miles Hewstone (Editor)
"This much-needed volume is a thoroughly modern, thoroughly splendid collection of essays on the psychology of stereotyping written by the area's most influential thinkers and most active researchers. In its pages, readers will find just about everything that social psychology has discovered in a half century of research on this important topic." --Daniel Gilbert, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin

Stereotypes are something that I run across all the time in my work. One of the things that I am passionate about in art is trying to inform the viewer of something that I feel is important. I want to break barriers of stereotypes and people assuming things about a person before they've ever talked to them, simply because of the way they look/dress/what they believe in/what country they are from. I think that people view other people as stereotypes way too often, especially in American culture.

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