It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. - Johann Schiller
"Family Dynamics" Veronica Hoskings,
This article is a women's personal experience. Simply brings up the idea of how we have family that we did not choose, and unlike friends, we can't get rid of our family. How when we are hurt by family and yet can't stop loving them, can't turn our backs on them.
I also find it interesting when people not in the actual bloodline become like family. Where is that line drawn? From family to friend. I've noticed with the different groups of immigrants I've met over the past years, they've made family like bonds with those from the same countries/cities as them. Walking through random concerts, and running into someone who happened to be from the same small town in Ukraine, and automatically they are hugging, talking, laughing and joking as if they have known eachother for years. I think the bond between immigrants who have moved here is very special, and very much like that of families.
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