Amy Stein
I was extremely impressed with Amy Stein. I had seen her work, oddly enough, years ago when I was in high school as an aspiring photographer. I saw her image of the child with american flag socks on the beach as a contest winner, and remember loving the image, and wanting to submit my work into contests, and wanting to see my work published. Her two series, Stranded and Domesticated were both absolutely captivating.
I was more drawn personally to her Domesticated series. The serene scenes of wild animals in these strange, normal neighborhood enviroments. I love her use of stuffed animals. The poses they are in seem so real, but the lighting is so perfect you can tell they were set in the same pose for a long time. I completely admire her drive to get the images she wants, and to really get out there and do whatever she could to get the shot. Like for the Stranded series, driving around for hours hoping to find someone broken down on the side of the road. Overall her images all have the same great quality, and eerie lighting, and all carry the same serene mood.
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