"We argue that the globalisation of peoples’ lives, transnationalism and the concomitant creation of transnational social spaces have greatly affected the meaning of home for migrants. The understandings of home that result reflect the reality of living in social worlds that span two countries and the development of decentred multiple attachments and feelings of belonging in more than one place."
- Susan Lucas and Bandana Purkayastha, Geojournal
'Transnationalism in Question', Roger Waldinger and David Fitzgerald, University of Californai, http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=6877586163643807527
"This article seeks to critically engage the new literature on immigranttransnationalism. Connectivity between source and destinationpoints is an inherent aspect of migrations, but migration networksgenerate a multiplicity of “imagined communities,” organized alongdifferent, often conflicting principles. "
Transnationalism is at the heart of my work. Transnationalism is reaching beyond the boundaries of one's own country and opening up to others. I want to show that we are all people, and though have different beliefs and cultures, can still relate with eachother on many different levels. Some people feel that they are so different from people around the world, I like to simplify what we all do in life to make those across the world from eachother completely relatable. I also like to study the blur of transnational identity of migrants who frequent with their original country and their new country, and the ties they feel to both.
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