“Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason.” - Abraham J. Heschel
"The Toxic Power of Racism", Dean Ornish M.D., Newsweek, http://www.newsweek.com/id/129020/output/print
This article was written after one of Barack Obama's speeches. He spoke of letting racism go and uniting as one country. The article later shows studies of how people who experienced significant racial discrimination over a certain period of time have higher risks of developing certain diseases.
Racism is an extremely dangerous issue, especially in this country. Less than 100 years ago, this country was still divided. And though our country has come a long way, there's still a huge amount of racism, even in day to day life. Through my work, I want to give the viewer a chance to confont themselves in their own thinking of people from other cultures, or ones that may be a little different.
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