Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lecture #6


Derick Holt

Derick Holt graduated from VCU in 2001 from the Graphic Design department. His work is extremely inspired by vintage prints, old maps, etc. After graduating from college, he started working in a restaurant, and ending up designing advertisements for them. That's where his inspiration for vintage started; from researching old restaurant menus, and what not to get ideas. This also helped him open the doors into advertising in general. Looking at his work, you definitely can feel the vintage inspiration.

His work feels extremely layered, and placed; and yet at the same time very organic. Each image feels complete. With graphic design, I usually think it's not as involved with the artist's touch... I feel like a lot of graphic design work is very detached from the artist's hand. However, with Derick, you can see his hand, his signature touch, in all of his work. Overall, it was interesting seeing a lecture from a department outside of photography/film. Seeing and hearing the way a graphic designer thinks, gets inspired, and works was very interesting because it is so different from the way I think.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Topic Entry #14


“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for.” - Georgia O'Keefe

"Light and Color in Photography",

This article explains the use of color in photographs. It explains color as perceived by a viewer, as well as color changes at different times of day, as well as natural light vs. artificial light.

The use of color in my photographs has become more and more important over the past several months. At first, I didn't think the color scheme was as important; but the colors in my photographs have become a huge factor in the placement of my work both as pairing images for the diptychs, as well as placement on a wall for viewing. There's a bright contrast in the imagery with color; from bright, vibrant, bold colors as compared to more dulled down colors. I think the colors in the imagery help speak for the several different aspects to the lives of my subjects.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Artist Entry #14


Jocelyn Lee

Jocelyn Lee is a photographer living and working out of Berkley California. She has stated that "I photograph because I am interested in people, what it means to be alive, and how we make sense of the world. " She photographs people in the place they live confronting that place and the situation they find themselves in. She has drawn most of her work from her Maine, and they show how important the enviroment is to portraiture. You can see the trust her subject put in her, most of them being completely nude. Her workis very graphic and informative. She has very raw images of her subjects, even including a women giving birth. The light in her portraiture is always very strong, but natural.

Artist Gallery

Artist Website

Artist Interview

Topic Entry #13


Deadpan Photography

"Engaging yet ambiguous, deadpan photography provides a refuge from emotion in a time of worry" - Greg Cook

Cook, Greg; "Here's Looking at You";

This article talks about the rise of deadpan photography in contemporary art. He writes about Claire Beckett, who says that her deadpan asthetic came about from her use of a medium format. She says that with the time it takes to set up the camera and get the positioning right, the subject has warn off the nervous feelings and becomes in a neutral state. He describes deadpan as cool, matter of fact, detached imagery.

The deadpan asthetic has come up in my work; also I think because of my use of a medium format camera. However, I did want to produce some of the imagery very straight forward, with the subject left completely as is. I used this asthetic more with objects and spaces rather than people. I felt that the spaces needed to be read exactly how they were, untouched, because of the stories they produce by just being looked at.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Artist Entry #13


Alec Soth

Alec Soth is an American photographer born in 1969. He is a traveling photographer who has documented many people traveling around america. His work has been in multiple solo and group exhibitions. In Sleeping by the Mississippi, he traveled around Minnesota, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri and shot with an 8x10 camera. He shot dead pan portraits and stale, lonely still lifes. His work has given me a lot of insight and reminds me a lot of what I'm going for. He's really good at capturing details and portraits of lifestyles.

Artist Website

Artist Gallery

Artist Interview

Topic Entry #12



“It is clear that this point is the ‘peripety’ or reversal of the action, and that the play falls into the form of a diptych, the first half tragic in direction and the second half comic.” - Northrop Frye

Xu, Denise J., "‘Diptych’ Finds Depth in Duality", 10-14-07, The Havard Crimson,

This article is a review for a play called Diptych. The play was modeled after the traditional presentation of art; having two actors, a stage set with two wooden frames which the actors were placed, and having the actors conveying the same emotions but in their own individual ways. This play was as if it was a diptych piece of art brought to life. Diptychs are usually two separate images that are displayed together. Sometimes completely different images that relate to one another, and other times to separate images but when placed next to eachother make a larger image.

I have decided recently to try out using the diptych presentation with my work. I feel as though some of my images are strong enough on their own; but I think they're real strength relies on being displayed with one another. I want the viewer to be able to view multiple images at the same time and relate them with one another to have a more complete story.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Anderson Gallery Submission

Lecture #5

"Carnival Within- An Exhibition Made in America" - Gregory Volk

This was a really interesting lecture. It covered an exhbition, from the initial idea for the concept of the exhibition, to picking out the artists, to the set up of the space and finally showing the actual show. He and his crew were asked to put on an "America" show in Berlin Germany. They decided on trying to do a play on a traveling carnival show. To build inspiration, they looked through artists like Andy Warhol, Diane Arbus and drew up connections to their work and carnivals; and were then able to more clearly select artists for their show.

Then ended up having the show in an empty factory with which they set up like a carnival. The artists they chose all had relations to carnivals/carnival culture in their work. One of the artists even had a set up carousel. They had a former VCU sculpture student in the show with a sculpture of a skeletal superman hanging from the ceiling. They left the space relatively free and open for people to walk through as if they were at a real carnival. The video instillations were set up out in the open, rather than hidden away in seperate rooms like they normally are, so that you could see them from across the exhibition space like you would see an attraction from across a carnival, and it draws you to it. I think they did a really good job of taking this initial idea and carrying it out through the final show.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Artist Entry #12


Vladimir Birgus

Vladimir Birgus was born in 1954 in Czechoslovakia. He is a member of the European Society for the History of Photography. He photographs strong, colorful graphic images from all around the world. His images have rich natural light and interesting subject matter; the locals of all of the different countries he travels to.

Artist Website

Artist Gallery

Artist Review

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lecture #4

Julie Sanders
Senior Art Producer at Martin Agency

Julie Sanders gave a lecture today for hopeful photographers. She is the head Art Producer for the Martin Agency, so all of the photographers who hope to work for them go through her first. She then handpicks the photographers for each campaign. In this lecture, she explained what it is that art producers look for in photographers. She said that the best way to start moving your way up in the business is networking; networking is key. The second top thing to do is constantly rebuilding your portfolio. Agencies don't want to keep seeing the same work over and over, they're interested in change and the growing of a photographer.
She then gave us tips on how to get yourself noticed. First of all, she reccommended studying up on whoever is the person you're trying to get hired from, and to keep in touch. If they mention something personal about themselves, like a sick dog or something, to remember it for the next time you call and bring it up to them. She said it's very important to make yourself seem like you're genuinely interested in their lives as well. She also mentioned sending out monthly mailers to job hopefuls; and to make them noticeable. She showed us the huge stack of mailers she gets every month, and explained which one's really caught her eye and why. She then ran us through a basic job; from the estimates, to the preproduction, actual shoot, and post.

Topic Entry #11



"Passion is the quickest to develop, and the quickest to fade. Intimacy develops more slowly, and commitment more gradually still." Robert Sternberg

Crowe, Roewan "Luminous Gestures of Intimacy: The Photographs of Sarah Crawley"

In this article, Crowe critiques the intimate photographs of Sarah Crawley. In her work, she photographed images of herself and her lover in an abstract way. Part of her inspiration for this intimate work was thinking back on obsession and her childhood memories. She went home and told her lover all these stories, they then stayed up all night and shared stories with eachother. It was this that inspired her to portray that intimacy through her work.

I want my photographs to feel intimate, not in the sexual connotation of the word. I have a more intimate relationship with these people than do other non-immigrants do. I feel as though I started out an outsider, but over the last year have built a relationship of trust that I hope to portray through my imagery.

Artist Entry #11


Alexey Titarenko

Alexey Titarenko is a Russian photographer who was born in 1962. He continuously worked through the fall of the Soviet Union, and captured this huge event through the city of St. Petersburg. He uses prolonged exposures to create ghostlike figures wafting through the city; they really showcase the mood of the area in the early 90's. He has dubbed his unique style "metaphorical photography". His work has been exhibited all around the world.

Artist Gallery

Artist Interview

Artist Website